Saturday May 17, 2025

Nothing is sweeter than a day in the gym! Join us for a day of flips and fun at our annual Gymnastix Xtravaganza.
This fantastic event is similar to a recital and will showcase what students have learned at Gymnastix Training Center.

Personalized trophies will be awarded to all participants.

All recreational students enrolled in March, April, & May are automatically enrolled in the Gymnastix Candy Carnival. The total cost of the event is $45 that is split into 2-3 equal payments and added to March, April, & May tuition based upon enrollment.

You can choose to "OPT OUT" of the Xtravaganza by EMAILING US no later than TUESDAY, APRIL 15 for a credit of any amount paid towards the $45 total.

***If you "OPT OUT" your child will not be included in the Xtravaganza!***

Tentative Schedule

SessionLevelArrivePerformance & Awards
1Caterpillar & Butterfly7:45am-8:00am8:00am-8:55am
2Tadpole & Pre-K Invite9:15am-9:30am9:30am-10:25am
4Girls Kindergym12:45pm-1:00рm1:00pm-2:10pm
5Girls Gym 1 & Gym 32:25pm-2:40pm2:40pm-4:05pm
6Girls Gym 24:20pm-4:35pm4:35pm-5:40рm
7Boys Gym 1 & 2 & Tumbling5:45pm-6:00pm6:00pm-7:00рm

*Special Candy Carnival apparel will be available for purchase, but is not required to participate*